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When Disaster Strikes Home!

When Disaster Strikes Home! - WORKBOOK

Are You Ready?...For Healthcare Workers

9/11, 3/11 - Airport Roof Collapses in France, Oklahoma City Bombing, Train Bombing in Spain, Subway Bioterrorism in Japan: Mass Casualties, Natural Disasters, Subway, Bus Bombings in London, Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt Bombing

Hospitals and healthcare facilities are essential elements in a disaster response and recovery. Staffing shortages already plague this field. Make sure medical personnel learn emergency preparation techniques for themselves and their families to reduce absenteeism and stress during emergency and catastrophic incidents.

While most health–related organizations have effective emergency plans for a disaster, these plans usually concern procedural and medical issues, and not the people who need to carry out the plans. Quality medical care cannot be provided unless staffers and personnel are available.

Healthcare personnel of all types, emergency room, operating room, ICU and so on, may have to be on the job for 24, 36, even 48 hours or longer. What about their families? Who takes care of their children, their pets, and other family members that may need them?

Bring the training program “When Disaster Strikes Home!” to your staff and employees now! Provide the most informative and valuable work/life learning session ever experienced.


Reduces labor costs
Reduces the impact of absenteeism
Promotes a positive safety culture
Improves employee morale and motivation
Improves labor relations
Improves effectiveness of overall preparedness program

To receive a FREE Report send an email to freereport@getprepared.org

The Emergency Preparedness Educational Institute

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